Thursday, February 12, 2009

Act III: Story Time

Three magical witches told Macbeth that he would be a king one day. So Macbeth and his wife Lady Macbeth decided that they were going to do whatever it took to become the King and Queen of a place called Scotland. They made the king of Scotland disappear, and they didn't want anyone to find out. If someone found out what they had done, they would not ever be able to become the King and Queen.

Ever since the King had disappeared, many weird things had been happening. When the sun was supposed to be out, the moon was out instead. Everything was backwards and not the way it was supposed to be. One day, Macbeth's best friend found out what Macbeth and his wife had done. And he also knew why they did it. Banquo knew about the three magical witches and what they had said to Macbeth. Now, Lady Macbeth and Macbeth had to make Banquo dissapear. How would they make Banquo disappear without having all of Scotland think that they made the king disappear too?


dubovbr said...

Very appropriate for small children. However, it was supposed to focus on just one scene. This more a summery of the book.

Scariness Level: 2 out of 5
Accurate Telling of Events: 4 out of 5

Miss_Kaser said...

Candice! Well done with the story telling.

I appreciate your reference to the "unnatural events" in Macbeth and your ending with a question leaves the reader wanting more!