Tuesday, November 25, 2008


          Holden may think that Luce is an annoyance, but the reason that he is sad when Luce has to leave is because Luce is like Holden's big brother. Even though Holden really does have a big brother (D.B.), he is never around him because they are both always busy and Holden is always away at school. Holden is vey lonely, especially now that he has no where to go until Wednesday when he gets to go back home. When Luce was there, it made him feel like he actually had a real friend, and that he really was not alone. But when Luce leaves, he is left to be by himself.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Holden and Mercutio

          Holden and Mercutio are alike in many ways. For example, they are both not up to date with fashion. They could care less about what they are wearing. Holden is also always ready to fight, like Mercutio is. He is not the fighting type, but he is ready when he needs to be to defend himself. He does not relate to Tybalt because Tybalt loves to get into trouble and start fights, but Holden keeps more to himself and does not like cause trouble if he doesn't have to.